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Meet the seven seater GP Limo

seven seater GP Limo

I’m sure every petrol head in the world would love the opportunity to go for a ride in a grand prix car and now here’s your chance. Well, how about doing that with 5 other friends? Because here’s the GP Limo, created by Mike Pettipas from Canada, a seven seater (driver plus six) grand prix race car which its creator claims is able to reach 300 mph. According to Pettipas, it took him 15 years of research and development, plus another 4 years of Government testing, but their goal of creating “the world’s fastest, most exciting vehicle and bring it to the people” was finally reached. And the car is currently available for corporate events, with Package Rates starting at $5,000 and Track Laps as low as $200.

This may not be the prettiest car ever, but I’m sure it’s worth giving it a try (if you’re in Canada, of course). Not to mention that the company is a supporter of Children Charities, so it’s for a noble cause.

More photos of the GP Limo after the jump.

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