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Lowongan Engineer

Lowongan Kerja Process Engineer
PT. Aldaberta Indonesia


Location: Jakarta
PT. Aldaberta Indonesia, now is seeking following Engineering experience in oil & gas industries to be placed in some of our engineering services project. The qualification requirement as position below:
Process Engineer with min experiences 10 years, Graduate min S1 Degree

General :
Has ability in advisory to President Director and his staffs regarding General Engineering, Procurement and Construction for existing projects and future prospective projects within company.
Specifics :

 Has ability to work in Project Management Consultant
 Has ability in interpretation conceptual and detail engineering design
 Has ability to coordinate in developing plan and implementation procedures

Please send you CV and expectation net salary asp through:

Pos : Graha Elnusa 2nd Floor, Jl. TB SImatupang Kav 1B, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12560
Or via email to :
Best regards,
Ardiansah Febriantoko
Human Resources Manager
PT Aldaberta Indonesia
Graha Elnusa lt 2, Jl. TB Simatupang
Kav 1B, Cilandak, JAKSEL 12560
telp. +6221 78830923, 78830861
Fax. +6221 78842482

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